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Monday, December 3, 2012

Reading Centers

This is a time when the students build on improving their reading skills through many different activities. This seems to often be the students favorite time during the day.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Skittles and M&M Campaign Posters

We have been learning about Government and how many people campaign for their position. Then the people get to vote. The students got to pick which candy they liked better, Skittles or M&M s and come up with a campaign poster. The poster had to include a slogan and a picture. After all the students presented their posters, the class voted on which one was better.

 Skittles won!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Election Day

In class, we have been discussing government and the election process. Today, we got to fill out our own Voter Registration Card, so we could vote in the class election!  The students had to pick which mayor would be best for “Schoolville” Jenny Jennings or Willie Williams. Each child got to cast their ballot in the election. Ms. Samson class voted for Willie Williams to be mayor of “Schoolville.”

We can vote!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Binder Day

Today was a VERY special day for the class. They received……BINDERS. Last year the students had folders, so they were extremely excited about being “Big Kids” and getting binders. You can clearly see the excitement on their faces.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Second Day of Second Grade

Today was the second day of second grade. The students made visors to celebrate this VERY special day. They were able to decorate their own visor with their own unique style. It was another great day!!!

We Love Second grade already!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We read the book First Day Jitters. It is about a teacher who has jitters about teaching at a new school. We discussed how EVERYONE has jitters. Then, the student wrote and drew about their jitters they had about starting a new school year. Finally, we made Jitter Juice to help get rid of those Jitters!!!! The students had to decorate their own JItter Juice label for the cup. They loved this activity.

We did many fun activities throughout the day to get to know our new classmates!!


We love JITTER JUICE and are so excited about being in second grade!!!!

At the end of the day, the students recieved a special treat....

They are so excited to o-FISH-ally be in second grade!!!! Today was a great day and I know it will be a great year!!!