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Thursday, March 22, 2012


In the beginning of March, we took a class field trip to the New Orleans Aquarium. We had been learning about the different biomes in Social Studies. By going on this field trip, we were able to get up close and personal with the ocean biome. The students were so excited to see some many of the different animals that we had learned about.

We began the field trip by going on a scavenger hunt through the aquarium!!!


After our scavenger hunt, we ate lunch outside. It was a beautiful day but really hot!!!  Then, we went to the IMAX and saw Born to be Wild. It was a great movie about the life of baby orangutans and elephants. And Yes we had to wear those silly glasses.

It was a GRRREAT DAY!!!!!!

Fraction Sundaes

In our last chapter, we learned all about FRACTIONS!! The students were able to create their own Fraction Sundaes (out of paper) using 10 ice cream scoops. Then, they had to write a fraction for each ice cream flavor they chose.


I surprised the students after they were done by letting them make REAL ICE CREAM SUNDAES!!!!!!


They were delicious!!!!!

Shape Monsters

To finish our Geometry Chapter, the students created their own shape monster and wrote about it. Then, they presented their monsters and writings to the class.They worked very hard and their monsters turned out great!!!!