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Friday, October 17, 2014

PBS Volleyball Player Came to Visit

We had a PBS volleyball player come visit us. She even taught us how to pass a volleyball, how to jump, and how to spike. I think we may have some future volleyball players in our class! Go eagles!! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Homecoming Parade

We had so much fun at the parade to get ready for the homecoming game!!! 

      We are so proud to be eagles!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pajama Day!!!

Today we got to wear our pajamas at school. 

                    Silly  picture!!

Dot Day

Monday was dot day! Each lower elementary class was matched with up upper elementary class to create an inspirational picture made out of dots. The students were paired together. We were matched with Ms. Rhodes' class. We had so much fun!!!

           Dots, dots, dots!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Last Friday, the football players came to visit. The students enjoyed meeting them and hearing the position that they play. We are super excited because Garner's brother, Gage, is one of the football players!! We look forward to cheering on the Eagles to many victories!!!! 

                   Go Eagles!!!!

Liquid Art

Last week, as part of our process skills unit we made liquid art. We were able to predict, observe, and explain what would happen when we added whole milk, food coloring, and liquid soap together. 

Second Day of Second Grade!!

Mrs. Brunet wants to come to second grade!!! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Letter Lady

This week we have been talking about writing a friendly letter and the different parts it has. Yesterday we made a Letter Lady to help us remember. We even know a song about the different parts of a friendly letter so make sure you ask your child to share it with you. It is sure to brighten your day!!! 

We had many different types of Letter Ladies!!!! 

           LSU Letter Lady!!! Go Tigers!!! 

            I was even a Letter Lady!!! 

We are also writing friendly letters in class  about our pets. They are looking great! 

M&M Sort

This week is our Process Skills Unit. On Tuesday, we got to have learn with M&Ms. Each student got to two bags then they had to sort, observe, and record how many they had of each color. 

Before they got the third and forth bag they got to predict how many they would have of each color. 

They would get so excited when their predictions were right!!!! 

It looks just like her!!! 

Who ever knew we could learn so much from M&Ms?

Reading Centers

These center are reinforcing the concepts learned in class, and they are FUN!!!! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day of School!!

We had so much the first day of second grade! It is going to be a great year!! 

   We are so happy to be under the sea!! 
The students completed am activity to discuss what they did "The Night Before Second Grade."

We read a book called "First Day Jitters." It is about a teacher who gets nervous about the first day of school because we all get a little nervous. Then we made jitter juice so we wouldn't be nervous anymore about second grade. 

Yayy!!! We completed our First Day of Second Grade!!!